Hey, we get it - life can be tough. But, we're here to assist in any way we can. To help get you started, check out our always changing list of resources for you and your family. Just click on any picture below to see more.
financial assistance
The Government of Alberta has a number of programs and services to offer various types of financial support.
Home Safety
Our homes are our safe space - so let's protect it. Check out some useful tips to reduce risk inside, and outside, your home.
Canadian mental health
The Canadian Mental Health Association in Alberta is hosting a number of FREE Single Session Courses, available via Zoom.
Trauma + Violence
These informative infographics, though created with front line workers in mind, provide trauma-informed approaches to various types of stress and fatigue.
kids audio books
Have kiddos that love to read? Pop on over to Funbrain, where your littles can listen to their favorite books online!
caregiver education
The Caregiver Education Team offers free mental health programming for parents and caregivers of children and youth, in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation.
harm reduction
"The goal of harm reduction is to improve health outcomes while supporting individuals where they are at today".
Energy needs
Enmax and United Way of Central Alberta haved teamed up to help those struggling to pay their energy bills.
residential tenancies act
The Govt' of Alberta provides a framework for landlord and tenant relations in Alberta, and sets minimum standards of conduct for both parties.