Seniors Programs
Programs and services that enhance the quality of life of the retired and semi-retired
Seniors Benefits
We are able to assist seniors apply for benefits that are available to them through the provincial and federal government. Contact our office to make an appointment to sit down with staff.
** Note you may need to bring in special documents with you for your appointment.
More information can be found on these websites:
Alberta - Seniors Financial Assistance programs
Canada - Programs and services for seniors
income tax preparation
Intake period: March 1 - November 30.
The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) helps eligible taxpayers who do not know how to prepare their income tax and benefit returns, and who have low to modest income and a simple tax situation.
The program DOES NOT complete returns with income from: farming, rental, capital gains, deceased persons, bankruptcies, business, self employed, fishing or interest over $1000.